Monday, June 8, 2009

Brazilian Festas Juninas, June Festivals

In June it is the annual time for the "Festas Juninas", a kind of hillbilly (caipira pt) party. Festas Juninas, or June Festivals, are traditional celebrations enjoyed throughout the country. They celebrate:
Santo Antônio - 13 de junho (St. Anthony on June 13, this Saint is said to be a matchmaker; women who are loosing hopes to find a husband appeal to St. Anthony, particularly during the periods of the June Parties)
São João - 24 de junho (St. John on June 24, according to popular faith, the responsible for a good harvest of corn)
São Pedro - 29 de junho (St. Peter on June 29, the guardian of heavens, with control over the clouds and rains).
Some of the largest June Festivals in Brazil last through June but have their climax on St. John's Day (June 24).
It became a Brazilian tradition to organize parties to celebrate these saints; because they always happen in June, they were called "Festas Juninas". They originated in the smaller towns of the countryside, where people were more religious and more dependant on good crops; today, the parties can be found all over the country. All men dress up as farm boys with suspenders, large straw hats, make up beard and moustache and women wear pigtails, painted gap teeth and red-checkered dresses and a bonfire is always present.

Travel Tip: Go to the Brazilian city of Caruaru to celebrate the largest Festa Junina in the country. Caruaru has competed with other cities in the past to hold the largest celebration and was awarded that distinction by the Guinness Book of World Records.



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